Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie: Everyone, It's Space Time! Complete Spoilers ( 1 )
With the release of Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie: Everyone, It's Space Time! in Japan today, Spoiler OP !.FvYxWfkmU from 4chan's /m/ board posted spoilers of the said movie! Be warned, read at your own risk!
Take note, he is the same poster who posted spoilers for Movie Wars MEGAMAX and as far as I can remember, the guy is really accurate with it. Another thing to note, I edited some lines from his post to match with the information we had about the movie thus far.
But first, the screening features trailers from the new Pretty Cure movie, a drama, One Piece Z and Rurouni Kenshin. The Go-Busters movie was later played after it. He summarized the movie as: "Enter tries to turn Tokyo Tower into enetron, crappy Photoshopping Enertron plants into Tokyo, and the group fights Robo-Singed (likely to be Epsilon)."
The Kamen Rider Fourze movie begins with a cold opening with Gamou, Hayami (Libra) and Tatsugami (Leo) meeting with Foundation X in a parking structure. They're here to pick up copies of the Horoscope Switches, and drop off a nice fat check. However, as they're exchanging the money and the briefcase, smokebombs come rolling in, obfuscating what's going on.
Suddenly, two kicks later, and two Foundation X guys are on the floor, and holding the briefcase is a super sexy spy kung fu chick named Inga Blink and she is here to steal the Horoscope Switches.
Foundation X dudes mob her, and proceed to get stomped by her superior Kung Fu. She fights with a lot of shouts, kicks, jumps, punches. Eventually Tatsugami rushes in, and actually fights the girl on even footing, then actually knocks her back. She gets back up to fight, then notices headlights behind her - a car driven by a Foundation X dude is about to run her over!
Then a massive black machine-man smashes the car, stopping it in the nick of time, it's black with gold highlights. It proceeds to give Inga Blink an AK-47, while Tatsugami and Hayami transform into their Zodiart forms to attack the Black Knight - as Gamou calls him, the "Space Ironman."
Black Knight fights Leo and Libra to a standstill pretty well, even WITH an Apache flying over to open fire on Black Knight - he just turns around and a chest-gatling gun tears the apache apart. Meanwhile, Inga Blink shoots Dustards. Eventually they get away, leaving Gamou intrigued and Leo supremely buttmad. Gamou figures the Kamen Riders will take care of it, and shrugs it off.
Cue title card.
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