Kamen Rider Fourze the Movie: Everyone, It's Space Time! Complete Spoilers ( 4 )
The Rider Club bolts, and finds themselves being chased by Dustards. The team splits up, each in their own fight scenes - Miu does sexy poses and shoots people with her rifle, Yuki and Nozoma scream and run around and dodge attacks with each other, and even pull a dustard into a pipe together. JK break dances, of course, dodging and dance-kicking. The only time he actually tries to hit someone his hand bonks against the Dustard's metal helmet and he yelps like a girl. He's about to go down at one point, pointing his finger like a gun in desperation... then BANK, the Dustard goes down!
Inga Blink to the rescue! She jumps in and shoots the shit outta errybody, dodging and kicking and fighting. My favorite bit is when she kicks two dustards at once, holds herself in the air with her feet on the dustards, shoots four more, then spinkicks the two dustards she's standing on into the ground.
As the team retreats, they end up being overrun - Shun bravely decides to hold off the horde of drones with his Dizer, Miu almost sad to leave him, but when she sees two more Dizers (With miniguns!), she and JK jump in them, saving Shun from his own brave sacrifice and the three of them book it.
The team gets on the Foundation X rocket, going to earth and Fourze and Meteor getting soundly whomped by the Skydain and Groudain and their cross attack, knocked into the bottomless pit near the main computer. They move to finish the job, but Black Knight gets in their way, getting killed to save their lives.
The Skydain and Groudain begin their true plan - they transform the Satellite into a doomsday device, a giant robot, and from space begin firing orbital lasers at Earth, causing huge damage and screaming civilians and everything. They also send down a hologram saying that pretty much everyone on earth is fucked, we're gonna dominate the world.
Meanwhile, Leo sees this and rages hard that someone would DARE challenge Gamou's will, but Gamou is perfectly chill. "Innnnteresting."
Gentaro and Ryusei find themselves saved by the Space Core - it's got the professor's personality, too. It explains what's going on, as Gentaro profusely apologizes - and as Gentaro hears what's going on, he becomes even more frustrated/livid. Ryusei tries to calm him down, but Gentaro transforms, going Cosmic, then says he'll stop the Ironmen, before warping off. It takes a second for Ryusei to realize what gentarou's planning...
Meanwhile, the Skydain and Groudain are aiming towards Japan with their big Orbital Laser of death - specifically, Gentaro's high school. Gentaro, meanwhile, warps out RIGHT in front of the massive mech/satellite, and activates his Cosmic Limit Break.
He then rockets into the mech, pushing it with all his might, the Cosmic States starting to overload as he manages to save Japan, shoving the robot into a massive portal that teleports them to the goddamn moon, the sheer force of it disabling the Satellite's death laser.
Gentarou lands inside the Satellite, Cosmic States overloading so hard that...
Remember when Fourze double-limit breaked and disabled Rocket + Drill? He did that to every single switch he has, from Rocket to Cosmic with that stunt, they all re-teleport to the Moon base, to a shocked Kamen Rider club.
The Space Core and Ryusei find Gentaro exhausted, and they make friends - Space Core and Gentaro even doing the handshake (Gentarou bonks it on the head twice during it).
Of course, good things don't last. Skydain and Groudain return, angry and kill the Space Core. They turn to Gentaro next, ready to kick HIS ass, but instead Ryusei stands in front of them.
"I won't let you kill another." With those words he transforms, into what's pretty much a suicide fight. The two Ironmen slap him around, then start slapping him and Gentarou around, steadily more and more violently.
Meanwhile, the Kamen Rider Club is trying to figure out what to do. They receive a message from XVII - Plans for a fusion switch, a switch using all of the switches combined. Shun's skeptical, but Kengo's confident it can be done - but they need to re power the switches. And what will save them? Friendship.
The Kamen Rider Club returns to school, dashing around Campus with the forty switches, finding everyone they've helped so far - the cheerleaders, the creepy guy who almost got the girls in the bus killed, the singing club, the Student Council Members, JK's rocker friend, that Delinquent Gentaro slapped around all the time, the two underclassmen that didn't trust upperclassmen, the guy from the football team, the computer teacher...
Meanwhile, during this, Gentarou and Meteor are getting more and more thrashed, being knocked around worse and worse. Yuuki's crying as she finds Kick-boxing sensei, who gives her a reassuring hug. Nozoma as well, who's witch friend appears to help. "Gentarou's in a pinch, isn't he? Let me help."
Last but not least to recieve a switch, Yuuki desperately looking for one more, is Gamou, who approaches with a smile and gently takes it to help.
The switch-bearers assemble in groups, Kengo in the moon base, Yuuki at the school announcer. She turns it on and asks everyone to come together to help Gentarou on the count of three... two... one.
Every single switch is flipped on screen, with the last two being Yuuki flipping Cosmic, and Kengo, to his best friend, flipping Rocket. The power of their friendship, of the entire energy of the school and the Kamen Rider Club, unifies into one switch to rule them all - the Fusion States. Kengo takes it and bolts.
Meanwhile, Fourze and Meteor are on their last legs, the fighting having brought them to the Main Computer room again. They're about to be finished off, when Kengo and Miu open fire, in space suits. The two Ironmen are chased back, and Kengo tosses Gentaro the Fusion States. He activates it, and transforms, becoming the Fusion States form, Ryusei's Meteor and Storm switches flying to Gentaro too. The powers combine and fill Gentaro with strength, allowing him to fight both tetsujin, forcing them out into space.
The moon battle that follows is pretty awesome, very fast paced and very kinetic. Fourze can handle t he two of them and uses both his and Meteor's powers and switches to do it, his right arm taken up by Meteor's armband, allowing him to use Jupiter/Mars/Saturn, and even helping him to FIGHT like Meteor - he actually does an ATATATATATATA with that hand.
Fourze hops onto the Power Dizer and bike when the two badguys combine, Skydain transforming into a flying form that rides the blue rover form. They fight over craters and up the side of the downed Satellite, the two Ironmen splitting up and Fourze leaping into the space to use the Barizun Sword to deal a critical slash to Skydain. It falls next to its blue brother, and the two prepare their final attack. Fourze returns with his Space Drill Rider Kick, Meteor and Cosmic Fourze ethereally appearing on either side of fourze for a triple rider kick, defeating the two Ironmen and obliterating them off the face of the moon for good.
The remaining AI on the Satellite thanks Gentaro and the Rider Club for saving the day, saying they're off to the depths of space once more. The Satellite re-forms into a proper satellite and flies away, leaving the club waving from the Moon's surface.
Ryusei meets Inga Blink at his temple - turns out she trained there, too. They talk for a time, about friendship, heroism, etc - then she gives him a kiss on the cheek, a thanks, and a goodbye - leaving Ryusei in shock and Nozoma pissed as hell.
The movie ends on a high note, the Kamen Rider Club walking home from the longest school day ever, talking about their friendship, their future of space, and what lies ahead - a happy, positive note (aside from Nozoma's death glares at Ryusei), the sun shining and the sky blue, for another day in a teenage life.
A much happier note than Megamax - instead of bittersweet, it's just sweet.
The movie ends with a generic teaser for the next Movie Wars film with Wizard and Fourze.
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